- York Shire
- Price: £550.00 ($701.25)
- Cartographer: Speed, John

Yorkshire - East Riding
- Eboracensis Comitatus pars Orientalis, vulgo East Riding
- Price: £190.00 ($242.25)
- Cartographer: Saxton, Christopher, Hole, William

Yorkshire - West Riding
- Ducatus Eboracensis Pars Occidentalis; The WestRiding of Yorke Shire.
- Price: £380.00 ($484.50)
- Cartographer: Blaeu, Willem & Joan

Yorkshire - West Riding
- The West Ridinge of Yorke Shyre with the most famous and fayre Citie Yorke described
- Price: £1,100.00 ($1,402.50)
- Cartographer: Speed, John

Yorkshire - West Riding
- The West Ridinge of Yorkeshyre with the most famous and fayre Citie Yorke described
- Price: £900.00 ($1,147.50)
- Cartographer: Speed, John