Recent Acquisitions
- Londinum Feracissimi Angliae Regni Metropolis
- Price: £5,750.00 ($7,331.25)
- Region: Cities & Towns
- Cartographer: Braun & Hogenberg
Virginia and Maryland
- A Map of Virginia and Maryland
- Price: £3,250.00 ($4,143.75)
- Region: Americas
- Cartographer: Speed, John
- Wonderground Map of London Town
- Price: £2,500.00 ($3,187.50)
- Region: Cities & Towns
- Cartographer: Gill, MacDonald
Virginia and Maryland
- A New Map of Virginia Maryland And The Improved Parts of Pennsylvania & New Jersey.
- Price: £2,250.00 ($2,868.75)
- Region: Americas
- Cartographer: Senex, John
- Cambridgshire described with the devision of the hundreds…
- Price: £1,950.00 ($2,486.25)
- Region: Cambridgeshire
- Cartographer: Speed, John
- A New Plan of the City of London, Westminster and Southwark
- Price: £1,500.00 ($1,912.50)
- Region: Cities & Towns
- Cartographer: Strype, John
Africa - Continent
- Africae Tabula Nova
- Price: £1,250.00 ($1,593.75)
- Region: Africa & Oceana
- Cartographer: Ortelius, Abraham
- Carte De Pologne Avec La Chronologie Des Rois…
- Price: £1,200.00 ($1,530.00)
- Region: Europe
- Cartographer: Chatelain, Henri Abraham
- Buckingham Both Shyre, and Shire Towne described
- Price: £550.00 ($701.25)
- Region: Buckinghamshire
- Cartographer: Speed, John
- A New and Accurat Map of the World Drawne according to ye truest Descriptions latest Discoveries & best observations yt have beene made by English or Strangers. 1651
- Price: £9,750.00 ($12,431.25)
- Region: World & Celestial
- Cartographer: Speed, John
North Atlantic and Scandinavia
- Septentrionalium Regionum Descrip.
- Price: £1,750.00 ($2,231.25)
- Region: Europe
- Cartographer: Ortelius, Abraham
- Hantshire described and devided
- Price: £1,200.00 ($1,530.00)
- Region: Hampshire
- Cartographer: Speed, John
- China
- Price: £2,100.00 ($2,677.50)
- Region: Asia
- Cartographer: Hondius, Jodocus & Henricus
British Isles - Saxon Heptarchy
- Britain As It Was Divided in the tyme of the Englishe-Saxons especially during their Heptarchy
- Price: £1,750.00 ($2,231.25)
- Region: General British Isles Maps
- Cartographer: Speed, John
India, China & Southeast Asia
- A New Map of India & China From the latest Observations
- Price: £1,100.00 ($1,402.50)
- Region: Asia
- Cartographer: Senex, John
Southwest Ireland - Sea Chart
- Carte Particuliere Des Costes Occidentales D'Irlande Qui comprend la Baye de Galloway et la Riviere de Lymerick
- Price: £600.00 ($765.00)
- Region: Ireland
- Cartographer: Mortier, Pierre
London to Oxford
- The Road from London to Aberistwith – Plate # 1
- Price: £410.00 ($522.75)
- Region: Road Maps
- Cartographer: Ogilby, John
London to Marlborough
- The Road from London to Bristol – Plate # 10
- Price: £330.00 ($420.75)
- Region: Road Maps
- Cartographer: Ogilby, John
Americas - North & South Continents
- Quarte Partie du Monde (Le Nouveau Monde Descouvert et Illustre de Nostre Temps)
- Price: £6,000.00 ($7,650.00)
- Region: Americas
- Cartographer: Thevet, Andre
- Cornwall
- Price: £2,200.00 ($2,805.00)
- Region: Cornwall
- Cartographer: Speed, John